Thursday, 4 February 2016

Grant Success for Shane Smith and Joe Hardwick

Congratulations are due to Shane Smith (second-year PhD student) and Joe Hardwick who have each received grants of £1,000 from the Canada-UK Foundation for research trips to Ontario in 2016.

Shane’s project on the migration of military veterans to Canada explores the culture of petitioning among settlers in the early nineteenth century. He will be making use of petitions that veterans sent to the colonial authorities for land (held at Libraries and Archives Canada, Ottawa), sources that will tell us a good deal about public interaction with state bodies. Joe’s project looks at the culture of special days of worship in the Canadian colonies from the eighteenth century through to the mid-twentieth. Executive government records at LAC will help him determine how these days were called, and the archive’s extensive newspaper collections will shed light on public reception.

The Canada-UK Foundation is a very useful source of funding and anyone interested in undertaking research in Canada should check out their website.

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