Tuesday, 14 April 2015

John Hulme, Northumbria University MRes Student, and North East War Memorials

Tony Henderson, “Northumbria University Academic in Call for North War Memorial to Mark Women's Efforts,” The Chronicle, April 3, 2015.  (See also this post.)

Labourers at Wallsend Slipway & Engineering Company.
A huge workforce of women produced millions of shells in North East factories during the First World War.

In addition to these munitionettes, thousands more women took over from men in a range of other industries and other jobs.

Now a research project at Northumbria University is launching a debate on whether women’s war efforts should be recognised by a regional or national memorial.

John Hulme, a Master of Research student in history at the university, is also questioning why so few women appear on North East war memorials.

He will present his case in a research paper, titled “Commemorating the Women of World War One, Never or Now?” at a Master of Research symposium at Northumbria University on April 27, which will be open to the public. read on>>>

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