Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Workshop 'Students of the World Unite’

A crosspost from the Histories of Activism group

On Wednesday, 3 December, the Histories of Activism is holding a workshop entitled 'Students of the World Unite? Education and Internationalism in the Twentieth Century'. This half-day event is divided into two main sessions - one dedicated to various international ventures that students engaged in during the 1920s and 1930s, the other drawing attention to radical activism at school and university in and beyond the 1960s. As a whole, the event encourages reflection on the spaces in which students and educators operated, with a particular emphasis on the way in which the transnational related to the political.

13h30: Introduction

Daniel Laqua and Nicole Robertson

13h40: Students and internationalism in the interwar years

Tamson Pietsch (Sydney / Brunel): The Floating University: educational travel and international politics, 1926-27

Daniel Laqua (Northumbria): A new generation within a new world order: student activism as a form of interwar internationalism

Georgina Brewis (IOE): Service, self-help and international understanding: the work of European Student Relief / International Student Service between the World Wars

Chair: Tim Kirk (Newcastle)

15h10: Coffee break

15h30: Radical activism in and beyond the 1960s

Sarah Webster (Manchester): British students and transnational solidarity in Cold War Britain: activism beyond the NUS

Sylvia Ellis (Northumbria): British student activism and the international protests against the Vietnam War

Say Burgin (Leeds): 'We must understand how sexism, racism and imperialism are connected': Boston's free schools and anti-imperialist feminism in the 1970s

Chair: Martyn Smith (Newcastle)

17h00 Conclusion

Brian Ward (Northumbria)

To register for this event, please contact Daniel Laqua by 30 November. Alternatively, you can register your attendance on Facebook.

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